Effective July 1, 2024: LEV Preferred Parking Discontinued

Effective July 1, 2024: LEV Preferred Parking Discontinued 

Since 2009, the University of Notre Dame has provided a limited number of parking spaces for Low Emission Vehicles, or LEVs, in preferred areas. These spaces were offered at no cost, but required a Notre Dame parking permit and an LEV sticker. This program was initially designed to support the campus’s green building certification process, LEED, and followed the guidelines of that program to promote an emerging class of hybrid, electric, and otherwise efficient vehicles for more than a decade. The automotive industry evolved significantly by 2022, leading to a pause in decal issuance in the fall of that year.

After an evaluation period, the university has opted for a permanent discontinuation of the LEV Decal Program in favor of an EV (electric vehicle) preferred parking program. This more fully aligns with actions being taken globally and locally to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. More information about the updated program will be released at a later date. Program discontinuation is effective as of July 1, 2024.

Campus signage indicating LEV spots will remain up until July 1, 2024 and then will be removed. If you are a current LEV pass holder, you do not need to do anything at this time. However, please note that we will be unable to issue anyone a new decal for a new vehicle—even current pass holders—moving forward. Decals may not be transferred between vehicles during this period. All LEV decals expire on July 1, 2024.

The electric vehicle program, applicable only to vehicles that must plug in to charge, continues as normal. More information on that program can be found on our Electric Vehicle Charging & Parking page.