Electric Vehicle Charging

electric vehicle charger next to a sign that says "electric vehicle charging only while parking"
Are you currently troubleshooting an EV charger? Click here.
Please note: Installation of new electric vehicle charging stations will be ongoing throughout the remainder of 2024. The Utilities team on campus is working diligently to install these stations, but please note that the estimated install dates are subject to change pending delivery dates and ongoing campus construction.
The following locations will receive new EV charging stations in the quantities listed below. This represents a mix of new and existing locations:
Location Number of Stations Additional Information
Joyce Parking Lot four (4) These units are installed and ready for use.
Bookstore Lot four (4) These units are installed and ready for use, located just west of the bookstore.
Raclin Murphy Museum of Art two (2) These units will be located near the southwest corner of the parking lot, east of Walsh Hall of Architecture, and northeast of the RMMA building. The installation of these chargers is on hold while the infrastructure is updated.
Fischer Faculty Lot four (4)

These units are installed and ready for use.

Charging stations on campus are available to university staff, faculty, and students. The stations provide electricity to charge fully electric as well as hybrid plug-in vehicles such as the Chevy Volt, Toyota Prius EV, Tesla Model S, and Nissan Leaf.

Representatives from a variety of ND teams are collaborating to address the evolving EV commuter landscape on campus. Currently, a valid Notre Dame parking permit and ID are required to park and charge on campus. No EV permits are required at this time. Further decisions for EV charging and parking will be released as solutions are identified.

As a reminder, the following are elements of the EV Charging Policy:

  1. Parking in electrical charging stalls is restricted to vehicles plugged in for charging.
    Image of emergency stop button on EV charger
  2. Electric Vehicle charging stations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. If the charging space is occupied, DO NOT unplug another vehicle so that you can plug your vehicle in.
  4. In order to use the University's EV charging stations, you must display a Notre Dame hang tag.
  5. Charging of electric vehicles is limited to a 4-hour period per 24-hour window. The time limit on all EV parking stalls will be monitored and enforced by Notre Dame Parking Services.
  6. Please note that some of the new chargers have a red button with "Push to Stop" noted above it. This is an emergency stop button and is not needed to stop the normal charging process. If you arrive at a charger with a fault message on the front display due to someone pressing the red button, you can make the charger active again by twisting the red button, which has three arrows labeled "RESET." We are working with the supplier of these chargers to consider our options in light of this finding.
  7. If this does not resolve the issue, or a charger is out of service for a different reason, please email NDPD Parking Services, who will work with our partners in Utilities to follow up.
Etiquette for shared/limited EV charging equipment:
electric vehicle charging station
  1. Don't charge your vehicle if you don't need to. Please leave the spot available for another EV driver that may need the charge.
  2. Only occupy a charging spot while your car is being charged. When your charging session is completed, unplug and move your vehicle.
  3. Please prevent injury by winding the charging cord neatly to keep it off the grass and prevent the cord from being tripped on or run over by a lawn mower. The University does not have extra cords to immediately replace damaged ones.

Due to current supply chain-related capacity restrictions, only Notre Dame faculty, students, and staff who have a valid parking hang tag displayed may charge a vehicle on campus. If you are a visitor to the area, off-campus charging resources are available near campus at the University Park Mall. Visitor charging resources may change as the campus infrastructure undergoes updates.