Sustainability Minor Open House


Location: Flanner Hall 745

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Minor in Sustainability Courses Still Open!
If you are still looking for courses to fulfill your Sustainability Minor, the following courses have plenty of seats. Tell your friends not in the Minor that many of these courses are now open to them, too!
Get an introduction to sustainability:

SUS 20010, Sustainability: Principles and Practices

Section 1: TR 9:30-10:45 AM (CRN 23550)

Section 2: TR 12:30-1:45 PM (CRN 28033)

SUS 23200, Sustainability and Collapse

TR 3:30-4:45 PM (CRN33392)

Learn to grow and preserve food:

SUS 20200, Introduction to Sustainable Horticulture (1 credit)

Fridays 1:20-3:15 PM at Good Shepherd Montessori School (CRN 26853)

Satisfy your second theology in an ecological context:

SUS 20626, Theology and Ecology

Section 1: MW 12:30-1:45 PM (CRN 24651)

Section 2: MW 2:00-3:15 PM (CRN 25822)

SUS 20888, Science, Theology, and Creation

MWF 9:25-10:15 AM (CRN 25821)

Check out business and economic perspectives:

SUS 25000, Introduction to Sustainable Development (1 credit)

TTh 9:30-10:45 AM (CRN 26402)

SUS 30800, Climate, Economics, & Business Ethics

MW 8-9:15 AM or 9:30-10:45 AM

SUS 30903, Policy Lab: Sustainable Finance (1 credit)

MW 5:05-6:20 PM (CRN 33393)

Get a global view:

SUS 30408, Global Environmental Issues and Policies

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM (CRN 29081)

SUS 40113, Climate & Environmental Justice

TTh 5:05-6:20 PM (CRN 333940

SUS 40409, Peace, Ecology, and Integral Human Development

TR 9:30-10:45 AM (CRN 32868)

EG 10350: The Story of Stuff (SUS1)

TTH 10:30am - 10:45 am (CRN 33529)