Carbon Taxes and Climate Change: A Discussion on Bipartisan Legislation with Citizens’ Climate Lobby


Location: Virtual

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Join Student Government to hear from the vice president of government affairs for the Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL), Dr. Daniel Richter. Through this event, you can better understand climate policy, learn more about CCL, and hear about Dr. Richter's background in climate change policy. Be sure to prepare questions, as there will be allotted time for a Q&A!

Dr. Daniel Richter serves as the vice president of government affairs for the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL). CCL is “a climate change organization that exists to create the political will for a liveable world by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.” From an initial interest in medicine, Dr. Richter developed a passion for countering the consequences of climate change because of the health implications that arise from the issue. Dr. Richter has been a part of CCL for over a decade and has conducted research, established a Washington D.C. office, and worked to develop CCL’s legislative strategy. In working to make tangible change with respect to climate change, Dr. Richter and the CCL push nonpartisan climate priorities in Washington D.C., and, most notably, they are working to establish carbon taxes. 

Zoom Information

Meeting ID: 987 3089 7142

Originally published at