GIS Day at Notre Dame: "FieldKit: Open Source Environmental Sensing for Everyone" by Jer Thorp


Location: 246 Hesburgh Library, Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship Map

Gis Day 2021 Rep

Gis Day 2021 Rep

Attend GIS Day at Notre Dame and join Jer Thorp, author of “Living in Data: A Citizen’s Guide to a Better Information Future", to learn more about FieldKit and to see it in action.

With climate change set to be one of the defining forces of our lives in the decades to come, being able to monitor and understand the environment around us is one of our most urgent priorities. Yet, right now, getting started with environmental monitoring can be expensive, technically challenging, and full of barriers for under-resourced and marginalized groups. FieldKit was built to offer an alternative, one that is inexpensive, usable, and built on top of a community of environmental care.

During this presentation, a FieldKit Weather station will be raffled off to a participant.

Co-sponsored by the Hesburgh Libraries, the Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship, the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society, and the Center for Research Computing

Originally published at