Faculty Luncheon: Research Frontiers in Nuclear Energy


Location: Notre Dame Room, LaFortune Student Center Map

Faculty Luncheon Seminars are held monthly with interested faculty to help facilitate cross-disciplinary research collaborations and to help faculty gain a better understanding of the various energy-related research programs at Notre Dame. All interested faculty are invited to attend.

The discussion topic for the luncheon on November 29 will be “Research Frontiers in Nuclear Science.” 

Each speaker will present a 10 minute (or less) overview of their research area and the fundamental research questions in the topical area that they believe could be addressed with other UND collaborations. This 40-minute session will be followed by discussion among all the presenters and attendees focused on (1) potential avenues for external and internal collaborations, (2) funding sources to target, and (3) if everyone is agreeable, follow-up actions that we can track.

The presentations for this meeting will feature talks by  Peter Burns, Jay LaVerne, and Ani Aprahamian.

Originally published at energy.nd.edu.